Wednesday, November 29, 2006

International Treaties and Organisations

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International Treaties and Organisations

-GATT (General agreement on Trade and Tariffs ) : It was an agreement signed in 1948 between several to aid the expansion of multilateral trade, tariff bargaining ,for quotas and abolition of preferential agreements.

- WTO (World Trade Organisation) : This is headquarted in Geneva .It's primaryfunction is the resolutio of trade disputes among the member countries.

- MFA(Multi Fibre Agreement) :It is an agreement aimed at protecting high wage countries from the imports from cheap labour countries. It dealt with the issue by imposing quotas. For example a particular country X can export only a certain quantity Y of clothes.

-IFC(International Finance corporation),IMF(International Monetary Fund) : These were setup to provide Financial assistance to different countries. For providing loans.

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